HomeTrends is our Fastest-Growing & Trendsetting Home Decor Brand

Facebook Ads Marketing That Brought Non-Stop Sales

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Return on Investment
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Boost in Revenue
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Increased Daily Sales
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Excellent Reviews
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Completed Project
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Agency Satisfaction
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Increased Revenue
24/7 Online
Communication is the key to better customer service, which is why we make sure to be available 24/7 to cater to any problem.
Revision Policy
Every customer we get means the world to us, so we give our 100% every time. In case you are not satisfied, we make sure to do that with our limitless revisions.
of Choice
We provide multiple concepts initially so that you get the best design possible. Laying focus on your requirements, we enhance the idea by providing our free design consultation.

Brand’s Challenges:

HomeTrends is an Islamabad-based elegant home decor business that needed an online eCommerce store to make the order placement process as fast as possible. Along with a strong social media presence to showcase their unique selling products of high-standard workmanship that reflected the quality they produce.

Last but not the least, in fact, the most important one is to run advertisements and get more and more new customers. Because as a new brand in the online market, they were facing difficulties in acquiring customers and bringing new buyers on board.

New Techonology
Web Revamp
No Social Media Presence

Work We Did

work we did
work we did
work we did
work we did


The concept for the visual mark of HomeTrends was clean and simple to make an impression at the first sight and make it recognizable.
Our graphic designer initiated work on the logo with a contrasting letterhead. The letter R in Trends represents a chair to provide an impact on the customers related to their home décor business.
We chose the Yellow brand color for HomeTrends which reflects the optimism and positive change with their products.

The logo formation is to split one word into two such as Herman – HM which integrates the “her man”. The true concept behind Herman is that the man belongs to the woman he loves, and our sleek Black font color shows the simplicity of the brand that gives a vivid/bold vibe.



Their old site was also an outdated one, lagging behind the competitors and getting no results.
devnest knows how powerful a website is for an eCommerce business like HomeTrends. With that in mind, our Web Development team created a Shopify store that best showcases their complete range of products with images and descriptions

We replaced the old and outdated website of HomeTrends with a top-notch and focused Shopify online shop. Our expert web developer created different categories on their website to ensure a better customer experience.
Also in order to generate meaningful search traffic and boosts sales, we optimized the whole website by performing SEO and keyword research.

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETINGAd Creative & Social Media Post

Social Media is not a trend anymore. It’s a prerequisite to building relationships with people in real-time and converting cold visitors into potential customers.
To establish HomeTrends as an authority in the field of Home décor they need complete Social Media Marketing services. Our marketing enthusiasts built a strong online presence with captivating copy and captions to support the eye-catching images of products.
We also made content calendars, scheduling, and daily posting of content that brought a huge number of organic traffic across all social media platforms.
Social Media Post

Social Media MarketingResults That Turned Dead Site to 3M+ in just 2 months

After creating a strong online presence, we moved on to scaling the HomeTrends business with Facebook marketing strategy.

To find out the right set of audience, we did ABO testing with visually appealing ad design and content for cold traffic. That’s particularly important when you’re trying to boost the visibility of products that no one knows about.

The image below shows the results of the campaign that we were running to cold traffic and costing Rs10000 PKR daily when we first started, and after 2 weeks of testing that had dropped to Rs5000 per day With another week of testing pushed the lead cost down even further.
Social Media Post

Social Media MarketingGenerated Results

Right after going live of our cold audience campaign, a large number of interested ones interacted with the ads. After gathering the data, we simplified the Ad account structure and organized ad sets for warm audiences.

With the effective changes in style, and message, along with the sense of urgency/scarcity. Now this time, it dramatically increased the conversion rate and accelerated their sales.

The rigorous testing and optimizing campaign with warm audience retargeting ads got them a good conversion rate from the traffic going directly to the website. Here’s a look at our sales that generated around Rs.3,296,883 PKR within 2 months with a total adspent of Rs.3,00,000.
Social Media Post

Social Media MarketingOverall Results

HomeTrends was a hugely successful campaign with Rs.3,296,883 PKR return from just Rs,300,000. in Facebook ad spend.

Looking back at the data there were 3 things that we did that had a high return on investment. Those were:

1. Allow more time for testing & optimizing the campaigns
2. Retargeting warm traffic Building those warm audiences further in advance.
3. Focusing on points of urgency e.g. Bonuses expiring

What do you think about the results? If you got any questions, don’t forget to drop them in the comments below!
3.2+ million PKR of revenue
8X Return on Ad-Spent
1200 Purchases of products
50K+ Average daily sale



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    If you wish to receive our latest news in your email box, just subscribe to our newsletter. We won’t spam you, we promise!

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